Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Walk with me

These days every weekday morning Zoe (our dog) and I walk our Girl to school and then head off for our morning fresh air. I've been meaning to take the camera with me for ages on one of these walks but I am not exactly a morning person so I'm lucky if I remember the dog and the Girl (never mind accessories...). Today I did remember... and here are some photos of our wander this morning (approx. 9-10am). It was, as you will see, a cracking morning - wintry and bright. And for those of you who live in cities... look how quiet everywhere is! It's so much easier to stay sane with this amount of people-free space around (honestly... take it from one who knows...).

So, first we walk up this road

These farmer's fields are looking different now winter's pretty much here - never seen these shadows look so bold before

There used to be a lovely view of the sea from this path... then someone put a fence up. Luckily the wind (strong on the coast here) has other ideas (dog agrees).

Just one of many lovely bits of woodland

There's evaporating frost in them there hills

At this time of year wherever you go round here the geese are always with you

It's wintry under foot now (I saw the gritter out on the roads this morning too)

All that talk of paths on the Poetry Bus this week... shall we take this path?

Or this one?


This part of the walk used to be the estate of a big house (house now gone). They obviously got themselves some fancy, foreign trees though because ours aren't usually this huge.

Looking up at a giant... a bit Lord of the Rings this one

The shrub in winter

I never get bored of looking at trees...

Winter sun doing its best

One of my favourite bits of the walk - through this pine wood

These fields were looking particularly dramatic today

So I took lots of pictures of them

Another angle

And finally...a close-up.

Hope you enjoyed the walk. Beautiful, isn't it?



The Bug said...

Gorgeous! Especially love the close up of the hay roll...

Now I'll jump in the shower to get ready to head to my job in the city. Sigh.

Rachel Fox said...

I think they're a Scottish thing (the rolls). We used to call them Swiss rolls (like the cake!).

I would have a job in the city... but I'm kind of unemployable... it has its advantages!


Niamh B said...

tis lovely, lucky you and Zoe - was stuck in work all that time!!

hope said...

Thanks for the lovely walk...especially as I am a "tree" person too. Living in the country, it's so odd for me to be able to view fields of hay AND water. :)

They "roll" the hay here too and frankly, I miss the haystacks of my childhood.

Have a great week, my friend!

Rachel Fox said...

Not only that Niamh...I get to reward myself with cake when I get back!

I didn't know what you meant by water at first, Hope, and thought I was missing some farming reference... but you meant the sea perhaps? It's so small here - we farm right up to the edge!

Liz said...

Stunning views - loved the hay rolls and those paths... A walk like this is a great start to the day...might do a 'walk with me' over here sometime, I love morning walks.; )

Rachel Fox said...

Titus has done a couple of these photo-walks, I think. And Hope did a 'trip round her neighborhood' a while back too. It is great to see where our blog pals live.

Rachel Fox said...

And of course Weaver does photo walks often! All us dog walkers...

Not forgetting the cats... Watercats do a good line in photo walks too.

Helen said...

Your photos are incredibly beautiful .. thank you for letting me tag along.

Rachel Fox said...

You're very welcome. Almost time for her second walk now... it tends to look a bit more like this.

A Cuban In London said...

Thanks for this (unintended) birthday present.:-)

Marvellous images.

Greetings from London.

Rachel Fox said...

We'll be visiting Canada (and the US) in 2011 (oh yes we are!). Maybe we'll see your new place...

Pete Goulding said...

Great picture of the tree shadows on the field.

Rachel Fox said...

Free cheese in Ireland! What more can you want...

Rachel Fox said...

Plus damper, darker and colder on the afternoon walk... feel better?

Dick said...

Delightful pics - you live in a beautiful area, Rachel.

We've got Swiss rolls in the fields opposite us. High-tech haystacks, sadly.

Dick said...
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The Weaver of Grass said...

Lovely walk Rachel - bet the dog enjoyed it too. Licks from Tess.

We had a lovely morning and then freezing fog came in later and is still hanging around.

Karen said...

I so thoroughly enjoyed the walk that at the end of it, I feel refreshed. Truly!

What a lovely place to live. My home is very simiar, minus the fenced-out view of the sea. On the other hand, I love my little creek!

hope said...

Yes I meant sea...almost typed ocean then decided "water" was easier. Should've said LARGE body of water. ;)

Unknown said...

Thanks for that walk, I really enjoyed the scenery - lovely to see the sun's low slant in the shadowy field.

Rachel Fox said...

Bit windier on the walk this morning... good to have you all along!

Frances said...

Wow is that your school run? I'm jealous in the extreme.

Rachel Fox said...

Well, it's the post-school-nip wander. School is just at the top of our street (and that bit is more suburban-looking than any of these shots).

swiss said...

i slept thru all of that and today...?

well it's not the same is it!

Rachel Fox said...

You snooze, you lose...

Anonymous said...

This was such a treat for me. Glorious sights to see. I loved all the photos but especially the Lord of The Rings tree and the geese. FAB!

Titus said...

Yes, gorgeous!
On a terribly jealous note, how come you're so dry?

Rachel Fox said...

From the other side of the world, Selma... hello!

And T (from the other side of the country) - we just get less rain than you westies (I'm sure there are stats somewhere...). Though saying that there were floods locally last year (at about this time).

Phoenix C. said...

What a lovely area you live in! Really enjoyed the walk. Will call in again tomorrow to listen to songs!

Rachel Fox said...

It's true - Angus is a gorgeous county. Little-known too really so quite quiet. Glad you could come along.

Lovely Bushra said...
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