Saturday, 11 December 2010

The Titus Bus – and the little dog jumped over the moon

So this week... our first Poetry Bus prompt from Titus the Dog (see here). I chose the video option and so, on Thursday morning, I watched this:

and, being me, straightaway I had to look up who the music was by (details here). Then I wrote the beginnings of this little piece:

cooking up something

be in your work
be in your world

RF 2010

Then later in the afternoon I wrote the walking/ghostly/snow poem that's in the last post (here) and so I suppose that should really be included in this prompt too (but I'm not going to post it again here... that would be silly...). Then finally I walked the dog on Friday morning and realised that a line that hadn't fitted into the above 'cooking up' poem could set off a little piece of its own:

Luna la

The moon sings us a lullaby
We don't know how, we don't know why
But as each day takes turn to fly
I'm sure I hear a moonrock sigh

RF 2010

After all this I remembered what the original art video had made me think of – a song and character from a kids TV show. I used to love this song (and her voice) every time I heard it when our Girl was teeny. She had the soundtrack CD for this show as well so we heard it a lot!

Added later - the voice of Luna belonged to Lynne Thigpen (1948-2003). She was in many other TV shows and movies and was the radio DJ in 1979's 'The Warriors' (remember you never see her whole face... I loved that movie when I was a teenager!). Never knew that link till today.



Titus said...

Much taken with cooking up something, and I saw the new moon for the first time today (not through glass - result) and I love the moonrock sigh.

A little overawed by the very American moon and bear, but I loved the little bouncy blue thing at the table! Cheers!

Rachel Fox said...

Bouncy blue thing? Tutter the mouse you mean! Did your boys not watch Bear in't big blue hoose? It was a big fave round these parts - Jim Henson Co/Disney thing but, like the Muppets, above average music for kids TV.

Titus said...

Tutter! I even love his name.

And, er, no. I made them watch Hellboy, Thunderbirds, Bagpuss and Captain Pugwash. Ooh, and Mr Benn.

To my regret, they have now found CBBC. I did quite enjoy the remarkably sombre 'Combat Kids' though.

hope said...

I like how much you said in so few words in the first one.

And the moonrock sigh made me smile. :)

You take the most interesting walks. ;)

Rachel Fox said...

T - he has a grandma called Flutter! Of your list the only ones we fed ours were Bagpuss (which she loved... again very good music) and mr Benn. I always found Thunderbirds dull as dull as a kid. I liked Marina from Stingray but no more.

Certainly there are many times, Hope, when the dogwalks are the most interesting parts of my day. I love to walk.


The Bug said...

It's hard enough for me to be in my work, but when you add the world in - gah! I'm just kidding - think that if you're not in your world then your work is not really worth very much...

Love the idea of the moon singing a lullaby - and I really like the clip of that show. I never saw it - I wonder why? I know I'm too old for Jim Hensen but that wouldn't have stopped me!

Niamh B said...

That bear is soooo creepy - remember how he used to sniff at people? (I watched, even though I had no excuse, no little people or anything)
But yes the moon's voice was super.
Luna la is a great title for the second one.

Rachel Fox said...

Bear - creepy? Noooo! Your dog presumably sniffs... and is it creepy? Just an animal thing.

Just looked up who sang Luna - it was Lynne Thigpen (1948-2003). Read about her here.


Rachel Fox said...

I'm sure the singing moon thought came partly via that TV show, Bug. I watch a lot of TV...

Rachel Fox said...

Oh my goodness... and just read that Luna's voice was also the radio DJ in 1979's 'The Warriors'. Man, I loved that movie. May have to add her name to the post.

Jinksy said...

This crtainly smacks of an alternative reality, much like the video! :)

The Weaver of Grass said...

Gosh Rachel how Titus's prompty set your mind going.

Rachel Fox said...

Yes, the prompts always take us to places we might not otherwise go... great Bus trips!

Helen said...

I was so flummoxed by the video, I grabbed a shot of scotch and watched it again. Your interpretation? A great write ...

Batteson.Ind said...

I used to sit for ages with the kid watching this. The goodbye song ALWAYS made me cry! agreed about the music production in this program, some of the songs were properly good!
as for your poems, they are also, properly good.. cooking up something just hits the nail on the head with it's small perfection! :-D

Rachel Fox said...

I found there was so much in the art vid that only a small poem (or two) could do as a response (for me anyway).

Loads of Bear songs we loved - Brush brush bree, the Bear Cha Cha Cha... long list!


Niamh B said...

It's just that he's so big! And by the way, I've just realised now where last night's nightmare (of being chased by a bear that could open locked doors) came from, and why I felt too bad to go through with it every time I tried to kill him (the bear) in the dream.
And yes, the dog sniffs and it's adorable. :-)

Rachel Fox said...

Oh heck... you'd better not see the Bear Cha Cha Cha then...

Dick said...

Small, but delightfully formed.

Well impressed too by Miwa Maytreyek. Shades of Bjork and Joanna Newsome.

Rachel Fox said...

Thanks Dick. Succinctness is back!

Carolina Linthead said...

Loved "Luna la!" I am a big fan of the moon.

Rachel Fox said...

More a sun girl, myself. But glad you liked it.

Enchanted Oak said...

I cha-cha'd around with you this morning and laughed. Oh, the associations our inventive brains can draw!

Rachel Fox said...

Inventive or infantile... glad you enjoyed my diversion!

Cad said...

Now a singing moon is so much better than a singing loon! :)

Totalfeckineejit said...

I'd love to hear a moon rock sigh!

Rachel Fox said...

Then listen harder, my boy, listen harder!