Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Bad films 2 - the sequel post

So, lots of suggestions already for the worst film ever made (last post is below or here). Here are the ones mentioned so far:

Miami Vice (dir Michael Mann 2006)
The Omen (dir John Moore 2006)
Supervixens (dir Russ Meyer 1975)
Batman and Robin (Joel Schumacher 1997)
The Avengers (Jeremiah S. Chechik 1998)
Robin Hood (Ridley Scott 2010)
Alexander (Oliver Stone 2004)
The Manchurian Candidate (Jonathan Demme 2004)
Austin Powers – Goldmember (Jay Roach 2002)
Happy-Go-Lucky (Mike Leigh 2008)
Liquid Sky (Slava Tsukerman 1982)
The Lovely Bones (Peter Jackson 2009)
Final Destination (James Wong 2000)
Emile Zola porn ( mistake...)
Alice in Wonderland (Tim Burton 2010)

A good selection so far (and for once I'm not disappointed to note a lack of women directors...). Any more for any more?

Adding them as they come in...

Hot Fuzz (Edgar Wright 2007)
Highlander II (Russell Mulcahy 1991)
Sex Drive (Sean Anders 2008)
Head (Bob Rafelson 1968) - this one (like many in our list, I'm sure) suggested because of its place in the 'biggest disappointment' subcategory
Dune (David Lynch 1984)
There's something about Mary (Bobby & Peter Farrelly 1998)
Day of Atonement (Alexandre Arcady 1993)
Love, Actually (Richard Curtis 2003) (finally! Thank-you Gillian!)
Starship Troopers (Paul Verhoeven 1997)
The Passion of Christ (Mel Gibson 2004) (never been tempted myself...)
The Texan Chainsaw Massacre (Marcus Nispel 2003)
Welcome to L.A. (Alan Rudolph 1976)
Kill Bill Vol 1 (Quentin Tarantino 2003)
Catwoman (Pitof 2004)
Vegas Vacation (Stephen Kessler 1997)
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes! (John De Bello 1978)
Maid in Manhattan (Wayne Wang 2002)
Ed Wood (Tim Burton 1994)
From Dusk Till Dawn (Robert Rodriguez 1996)
2012 (Roland Emmerich 2009)
Forrest Gump (Robert Zemeckis 1994)
Avatar (James Cameron 2009)

and there are suggestions via Facebook too...

Dog Soldiers (Neil Marshall 2002)
Requiem for a Dream (Darren Aronofsky 2000)
Showgirls (Paul Verhoeven 1995) (Say it isn't so...)



Kat Mortensen said...

We walked out on the movie, "Hot Stuff". Thought it was inane.

Rachel Fox said...

Never heard of that one, Kat. I only know the Donna Summer track.

Kim Ayres said...

Highlander II - without doubt one of the worst sequels in the history of cinema

Pete Goulding said...

Thelma and Louise. It was alright until the end. Then you never find out if they reach the other side of the Canyon or not.

Rachel Fox said...

Oo 'Highlander'...I remember when the first one was all the rage. Never really liked it myself. And certainly missed the sequel! joker. C'mon...a real suggestion!


Titus said...

Mr Titus would like to nominate "Sex Drive" from 2008, which is one of those college-kids sub-Porkys type comedies.
Won't tell you how he see snatches of it every week, but he does, and says it is appalling.

Rachel Fox said...

Oh, those films...I remember watching hours and hours of them as a teenager (usually drunk). Bad, bad, bad.
And one day you will tell me why he watches (ehem) snatches of it every week...

Jim Murdoch said...

I won't say it's the worst film ever made but the one that probably disappointed me the most was Head featuring The Monkeys. The tagline to the film was: "What is HEAD all about? Only John Brockman's shrink knows for sure!" and that pretty much sums it up. IMDB describes it as "a psychedelic, surrealist, plotless, circular bit of fun fluff."

Titus said...

Dune! How could I have forgotten Dune! Walked out of the cinema and thought "What the **** was that all about?". All-star cast, mega-effects, utter rubbish.

Paperwork still looming, as you can see. Delivering a workshop pm so must get my head down...

Eryl said...

There's Something About Mary, oh my god!

Rachel Fox said...

I'm adding them as they come in...

Comedies can be among the biggest disappointments for sure...because to sit through a film that's, say, an hour and a half long and just wait and wait to find something funny...there's something very depressing about that! I didn't find the Mary film funny either (at least not that I can remember). I'd heard so much about it (and watched it some time after it came out...on ITV3 or something). I guess one person's shock humour is another person's yawn-is-that-supposed-to-be-funny? Other big disappointments are distinctly non-epic epics it seems.


Gillian Philip said...

'Alexander' has to be the biggest disappointment. I looked forward to that movie for YEARS and it was terrible and turgid.

I adore and worship Christopher Walken, but he's been in many straight-to-video shockers, of which the worst must be 'DOA - Day of Atonement' (see what they did there?)

But the worst - 'Love Actually'. Can anyone watch that without gagging on their popcorn? Honestly.

Rachel Fox said...

We are sisters indeed...I have a whole poem 'inspired' by 'Love, revoltingly'. It's here.

Your other two I haven't seen.


martine said...

Sorry, you are all wrong, it is Starship Troopers, the hugest pile of utter tosh ever to grace the screen, and my son's favourite film for a while. It has this awful disgusting terrible scene where the gorgeous blond lies dying after being torn apart by huge insect type aliens and she says to her hansom companion that it's okay that she is dying cos her life was fulfilled and meaningful because they had sex before the battle!!!!!!!!! (if that's not too many exclamation marks) (and amazingly there is a Starship Troopers 2)
I rest my case
much love martine

Rachel Fox said...

A fine defence of your nomination there, Martine, and really I'm surprised it took Verhoeven this long to get a mention. We did mention 'Showgirls' in the comments to the first post though of course...mainly because there are some bits of it that make me laugh so much that I can forgive the rest of it. 'Brown rice and vegetables' anyone?


Kat Mortensen said...

@Eryl Shields! THANK YOU!!!
I detested that movie. It was disgusting crap.

"Showgirls"? Oh Good God! That was sooooo bad! Only saw about 30 minutes of it and (oh, I could be so crude with a pun here, but I'll leave it.)

I'm not a fan of "Pulp Fiction". In fact, I hated every minute of it.


"Hot Stuff" was a Brit-com with Shaun of the Dead's Simon Pegg. It was about village coppers.

Gillian Philip said...

Ha, loved your poem about Love Emetically, Rachel! But please, please do not attempt to see Alexander or DOA. Life is too short.

Rachel Fox said...

I think you mean 'Hot Fuzz', Kat. I'll amend the list...I thought it was a bit odd but that was the only Hot Stuff I could find.

Rachel Fox said...

Oh, I don't know...2 of you nominating 'Alexander'...makes it awful tempting...

Niamh B said...

How could I have forgotten "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" !!?!? walked out in the first 10 minutes, don't know what possessed us to try it at all, horrendous...

Oh - also the Mel Gibson Life of Christ one,,, twas like a visit to the dentist.

Rachel Fox said...

Which massacre Niamh - 1974 or 2003?

Rachel Fox said...

I am told Kat that 'Hot Fuzz' made lots of references to other films (cheesey cop films and so on...if you look at its wiki entry you'll see them all...) and partly its appeal would be limited to people who had seen (and presumably enjoyed) those films ('Point Break', 'Bad Boys II' etc. - largely men, I imagine, though I'm sure there are women who watch this stuff too). I didn't get any of those references (hadn't seen any of those films) but I still didn't mind it and some bits did make me laugh. It was just a bit long for me really.


Niamh B said...

2003 - toe curlingly indefensibly bad

The Weaver of Grass said...

Reading through your list Rachel makes me glad that we live rather along way from any cinemas!

Rachel Fox said...

We live quite far from a cinema too. Mostly I don't mind...young 'un would like to get to the flicks more often though. She's movie mad!


ken armstrong said...

Wow, some of you need to see more bad movies. :)

I think the worst film I ever saw was called 'Welcome To La' (1976) afterward, the person who brought me said they thought we were going to see California Suite.

I actually genuinely fear that I may like this movie if I ever see it again.

Titus said...

Oh no, the controversy is creeping in.
Niamh, I spent most of "The Passion of the Christ" in tears.
So a bit like a visit to the dentist, I suppose. Did you honestly sit, steely-eyed, when Mary flashbacked to the scene of Christ falling as a child during the Via Dolorosa scenes? I am aghast!
Thank goodness it the Chainsaw Massacre remake you chose. Original a work of twisted near-genius.
And Dog Soldiers! Who nominated Dog Soldiers! One of my favourite popcorn movies. We even own the DVD.
No rows with the rest though, and huzzah for two mentions of Alexander.
Oops, except TFE. Musicals??!!!

Rachel Fox said...

Oh Alan Rudolph movie...I had a real AR phase as a student...

And Titus...Jesus can really split an audience. Plus the 'Dog Soldiers' suggestion came via a friend on Facebook called Liz. If you were on FB you'd see her! But then it is just another way to waste time too... It's a great title for a really should be about a little army of Jack Russells.


Titus said...

It is! Sean Pertwee's in it!

Rachel Fox said...

What are you saying? That he's unattractive? I'd never heard of him. I am now almost certain to watch 'Dog Soldiers' to see which of you is right. Would Mark like it?

Niamh B said...

I guess the Passion was meant to make the audience uncomfortable, but boy did it ever succeed.
I don't think I'll be checking out the old Massacre - just turned off all films with the word Saw in the title ever since... (except "I saw what you did last summer" obviously) :-)

Titus said...

No, not attractive, just a little terrier-like man.
Although it does also have the rather attractive Kevin McKidd (the one that dies in "Trainspotting" - ooh, there's a thought...) in it. It's a funny and scary monster movie set in Scotland and, to my mind, enjoyable and well-scripted for what it is. I trust Mark, and think he'd like it.

Niamh, the old Massacre would make you very uncomfortable indeed. Truly weird, frightening film.

Rachel Fox said...

Isn't it 'I know what you did...'?

Pedants anonymous. Well, not so anonymous really.

Eryl said...

I really liked Dog Soldiers, but really hated Love Actually, which has to be a strong contender, for being not only awful but disappointing due to Curtis's kudos.

I found The Piano disappointing too, though it's highly rated. Love Pulp Fiction Tarrantino can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned.

Rachel Fox said...

Yes, I remember really hating 'The Piano' (as I left the cinema). I always meant to give it another try to see why I felt that way (cos I can't remember now...).

Marion McCready said...

Ooh The Passion, thought it was dreadful (sorry Titus), but I did really enjoy all three Final Destination's!

Titus said...

Ah well, Marion, at least we're both Final Destination plebs!

hope said...

Hated "Kill Bill" [sorry Eryl... Tarantino is a taste I've never acquired. Then again, maybe it's his worship of Uma Thurman.]

"Catwoman" with Halle Berry, never made it past first 4 minutes.

And anything with a "Prequel". Sad when the idea is to make more money, rather than tell a story. Most of us start at the beginning, not at the end, then back up 5 years later.

Sorry. Been a rough week. Thankfully Tarantino won't be making a documentary about it. :)

Rachel Fox said...

Any particular Kill Bill? Vol 1?

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Oh, so many! Here are a few:

All of the 'Airport' movies, spoofs and otherwise

'Las Vegas Vacation' (with Chevy Chase, etc.)

'Attack of the Killer Tomatoes'

Emerging Writer said...

Maid in Manhattan - I have a soft spot for JLo since she was brilliant in Out of Sight but this one was dire, worse than dire

Ed Wood - ditto Robert Downey Jr

From Dusk Til Dawn - ditto George Clooney. Stupid Movie

Alexander. laughable

2010 - too caught up in itself

Forest Gump - just don't get it

Avatar - great 3-D animation, terrible 2-D script

Rachel Fox said...

It'll take me a while to add all those to the list!

Rachel Fox said...

I've assumed you meant 2012...

Titus said...

From Dusk Til Dawn? From Dusk Til Dawn?!!
Brilliant film of the sub-genre "slightly pervy and weird and don't know where it's going and then WHAM! vampires attack out of nowhere". One of a kind, in fact.

Rachel Fox said...

Never seen it myself...