Pebbles on the beach at Auchmithie last week
So I said I'd write about some passionate bloggers, didn't I? All the ones I read could probably come under that heading at some time or other (because I just don't respond well to muted responses) but here are a few people that I don't mention very often maybe. They're all very different to each other and very different to what I put up here (and that's one thing I like about them of course - hell, I might even learn something...). So today let's blow a trumpet for:
Juliet Wilson blogs at Crafty Green Poet... and that blog name pretty much gives you everything you need to know about the content. Juliet (who has a poetry book out soon courtesy of Calder Wood Press) writes about all the nature in her locality so lovingly and fully (and indeed regularly) that you might easily think she lives deep in the countryside (and not in Edinburgh...which is in fact the case). She never seems to get involved in literary argy-bargy and instead she just observes and works, walks and writes, makes and does. Her blog is a bit like a pool of clear water in a land of muddy puddles (not that the rest of you are puddles...but there are plenty of puddles know what I mean...OK, maybe not best imagery...). Juliet has some fun recycling ideas too.
Katy Evans-Bush is an American in London. She has a book of poems from Salt called 'Me and the Dead' and a blog called Baroque in Hackney (again the name is a helpful and accurate guide). I don't read her blog as much as I did a while back (no real reason) but every now and again I still call in and it's pretty much always worth the trip. Just recently she wrote a post when the fashion designer Alexander McQueen killed himself (the post is here) and I went along and read it (knowing little more when I arrived than McQueen's denier that I am). It's a beautiful piece are all her pieces on visual arts...and it's absolutely stuffed with passion for what we see around us and what the heck it all means.
And finally in this of my very favourites...The Solitary Walker. This English blogger (who I think is called Robert...he's a secretive type) lives in Lincolnshire or somewhere, works in the book trade in some guise and is passionate about walking, philosophy and literature (oh, and music too). He regularly goes off on those Camino things (and is in Spain getting wet in their name right now). One reason I think I enjoy his blogging so much is that it is all done just for the love of it...for the quest. He has no book of his own (or anyone else's) poems to flog, no profile to raise, no ladder to climb. Plus from my suburban Mum life I love to read him and dream of just setting off walking for weeks at a time like he does. A housewife can dream, can't she? Even when she's not really a wife.
Anyone want to recomment a particularly passionate blogger?
DEar Rachel Fox, I read that you read blogs which are my favourite like Crafty Green Poet. A marvellous blog. I would be very happy to know if you have come across or will give a look one day to mine too.
I have recently started enjoying yours.
All my best, Davide
(Tommaso Gervasutti blog )
I recommend Roxana's amazing photography and poetry blog -
Every post is passionate and surprising in one way or another. I've been following her blog for nearly two years and she still amazes me time and time again.
Davide - I have called in at yours. I see you write poetry not in your first language (she said, sounding a bit foreign) - very brave! I wrote some in Spanish years ago but I didn't feel it was going anywhere and stopped. It's a long time since I used another language continually enough to even think about writing in anything other than my somewhat messy English.
Sorlil - you're so right, Roxana's Floating Bridge of Dreams is one of the most beautiful blogs. I'm never sure a small laptop screen really does her work justice though! I'd love to see an exhibition of her photos (somewhere with really big walls!).
Hey, thanks, Rachel! My whelm is quite overed.
Mmm... Another wine and tapa, I think, before I get back to rude waiters, instant coffee and oven chips...
Hmmm... why do we live in Britain again?
Hi Rachel - thanks for such a nice summary of Crafty Green Poet!
I should read Baroque in Hackney more often and I should check out Solitary Walker too...
I've been thinking a lot about Britain on the Camino. Although I love travelling, and seeing different places, and have sometimes been tempted to live in France or Italy for example, I know now I couldn't ever move away permanently. I love the temperate British climate. I love the green fields. Areas like Scotland, the Lakes, the Yorkshire Dales are some of the most beautiful places on earth. And I love the fish and chips.
It certainly can feel that the best way to appreciate home is to go away for a bit!
Well, would you believe it? Made my way to those three blogs and loved their writing. Especially Katy's account of her sad encounter with a reckless cyclist.
No, I don't know that singer and now you'awakened my curiosity. Someone else to add to my collection.
Many thanks.
Greetings from London.
Nice blog with lots of content - cheers
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