Thursday, 18 February 2010

Did someone say bell?

I see that elsewhere in blogland (say here or where it all started here) people are writing about bells today. Well, I was at our folk club this week and the very marvellous Claire Mann and Aaron Jones performed a lovely song (that features bells heavily) called 'Saints and Sinners'. You can hear it on their myspace page here (I can't find a decent recording on youtube). Claire and Aaron perform in lots of different bands and guises but they are both based in Scotland and are both very talented musicians. This is what they look like.

The song by the way was written by Scot-moved-to Canada David Francey. He has also been to our folk club and is also well worth catching live (or on cd) if you can.

That's our visitor back off to afar now (New Zealand). Rather less ambitiously I'm off for a lie down. Well, when I've done the laundry and the this and the that and the...oh, you know...

p.s. Tickets now on sale for the poetry/music event here in April (details here).



Rachel Fox said...

I think you'll like him, Kat. His is a great story...he worked on building sites (or something like that) for years and years and his music success came quite late in life. Hope for all of us!


Rachel Fox said...

He has some great love songs too!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Hope you had a good sleep and are now feeling back to normal.

Rachel Fox said...

The sleep will come later, Weaver, but normal...I'm not sure I'll ever get there...

Rachel Fenton said...

I'll have a look out for their music - have a suspicion I have heard them before but not sure without listening again....

Eryl said...

My first Myspace visit, they're fabulous, I was quite startled by his voice and that is a really great song. Thanks, X

Rachel Fox said...

It is a strong song, isn't it? I've heard quite a few people sing it now (Jones/Mann, David Francey, Jeana Leslie/Siobhan Miller) but as often happens it's the version you hear first that sticks with you and I heard Aaron Jones sing it first (a while back when he and Mann came to the folk club with fiddler Tom McConville). Jones also sings it with his band The Old Blind Dogs (recordings on youtube but none with particularly good sound).
