Saturday, 6 September 2008

News flash

Well, a few things before we all disappear into the big black hole on Wednesday (now come there anyone out there of a slightly depressive tendency who doesn't think 'oh, if only...' when they hear that?).

Firstly the lovely Sorlil at Poetry in Progress has posted her thoughts on 'More about the song' this week. 21st Century Emily Dickinson? I can live with that! I've always liked that Sorlil...smashing lass.

Secondly there's a new blog for poets (in particular young and/or new ones) that has been set up by Claire Askew and Read This magazine. Take a look - it's called One Night Stanzas.

Thirdly I will be getting to the poetry part of the reading list for life...probably Monday. Before that I have a wedding and a Scarecrow festival to get to this weekend...


Fiendish said...

That "One Night Stanzas" is a pretty cool site. One more on the places-to-lurk list, I think.

Have a fun time at the wedding - try not to recite your excellent weddings poem at any point ;)

Rachel Fox said...

You should probably think about submitting to Read This too Fiendish. Young/new/emerging writers are their speciality (I think). Have a look at their website...I have a link somewhere.

Marion McCready said...

why thankyou!