Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Fluffy brain?

Oh boy was that a busy Xmas season! We had visitors for two weeks solid and lots of folk in and out too so I feel something approaching drained of all life force (although, as ever, it's possible that I'm prone to exaggeration too). I don't have a lot to say right now but what I can tell you is that we had a fairly Muppet Xmas here (we got the wee girl a dvd of old Muppet Shows from the '70s... one featuring Bruce Forsyth... real vintage TV...). It's all brilliant but one of my favourite moments from an old show was this song (I always did like the hums of Pooh better than the stories... and who better to sing them than a dog called Rowlf?):



Anonymous said...

That's lovely. I always enjoyed the Muppets. I used to pretend I was watching it because the children liked it, but really it was me.

Rachel Fox said...

It was a great show, Colin - and really for the whole family I'm sure so I don't think you were alone in enjoying it from up high. I never watched 'Sesame Street' though and that was more for kids, wasn't it? I don't even remember it being on growing up.

Kat - she may want to come to yours for a series 2 marathon. She's only seen some of series 1 (we just spotted them in a local charity shop). It was a last minute pressy... and one of the hits of the season!


Louise said...

As a fan of the Muppets and Pooh Bear, thanks Rachel for cheering up my morning!

Rachel Fox said...

Yes, the world needs more singing dogs and philosophical bears!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I bet you know it all off by heart by now!

Titus said...

Just brilliant! I can remember being absolutely addicted to the show a long, long time ago and must try and find that DVD. So much of it is just wet yourself funny. I always loved the chicken extras as much as anything.

Rachel Fox said...

It was packed full of good details! And so long ago... 30 plus years!

Rachel Fenton said...

I loved "Pigs in space!"...and the old guys in the box...

Eryl said...

Rowlf was one of my favourites, and the Swedish Chef. Sounds like you had a good, busy time. I love that feeling of having lots of people around. It is often, though, awfully nice when they leave, too.

Happy new year to you and your family, Rachel, X

Rachel Fox said...

Statler and Waldorf, Rach, simply magnificent!

Thanks for the wishes, Eryl. I need them - I'm worn out! And now a huge trip to organise (well, co-organise...).