Saturday, 24 April 2010

Lost in music

This has been a fairly hectic week... what with the sick mother (see last post) and the Brilliant Poetry night last night (see here for report and photos or here for someone else's view). This means I've really had no time to write something new for Argent's drive on the Poetry Bus (map, timetable and new poems here). However I have yet to miss a trip (I think) so I've put up an old poem that (loosely) fits in with the 'lost' option. First listen to this bit of disco magic:

And now this:

The sisters said it best

I've always been
Lost in music
It's never felt
Like a trap

It's always felt
Just the right place
To wander loose
Off the track

Here I go now
Lost in music
I'm not sure if
I'll be back

RF 2005

If anyone likes that one it's on a postcard (and it's in the book too). There's also a light-hearted prose piece about my first proper disco dancing experience online (over here). So at least for now, the beat goes on...



hope said...

Seems like yet another fantastic Rachel and Friends fest! :)

Good for you! I know how hard you work to arrange things. As one who's job is to be "behind the scenes, not lounging in the audience" I can relate to the thrill and agony of events.

The pictures were great and I LOVE the "Fridge magnet" poem!

Hope Mom's better...and that you get some well deserved rest!

Rachel Fox said...

I think maybe this comment needs to go over to the other blog...but thanks for it anyway (and these people with multiple blogs, I ask you!).

But thanks Hope for the good wishes as ever. It was hard this week to give the poetry night any attention with so much else going on. Still, a break from that for a few months now!


martine said...

I love this, I found myself singing it in my head:-)
thanks for sharing

Rachel Fox said...

Disco gets a bad press sometimes, Martine, but some of it was brilliant (and some of it was brilliantly awful too...).

Eryl said...

Ah, disco, it was my first real dance experience and I still love it. Great poem, X

Dominic Rivron said...

Being lost in music is a familiar experience. It sounds weird, but I often get the feeling that one can wander around inside it.

So much going on here, too, that I'm not sure what to do for the Bus yet!

Rachel Fox said...

Eryl - we are disco fact 'we are family' perhaps (not as good as 'Lost in Music' for me...but still a good 'un).

Dominic - absolutely. When Don Paterson played guitar on Friday night I think all of us listening were well and truly lost in it - he was great. Think you would have liked it.


Niamh B said...

Liked this alot Rachel, you are the mistress of conciseness.

Rachel Fox said...

Yes, sometimes I fear it is laziness...but conciseness sounds better.

Karen said...

I hadn't really thought about it before, but there are some places I wouldn't mind being lost. This is one. Thanks for that.

(Hope your mum is better soon.)

deemikay said...

I love that song. :)

deemikay said...

Oh, and I hope your mother is back to proper soon!

Rachel Fox said...

Maybe we should have some kind of mass online disco dance...all listen to this at midday tomorrow (or midnight) and dance around to the same song - wherever we happen to be. Just an idea. Not very practical.

Argent said...

Nifty pome there Rachel! Lost in Music - nice take on the theme! I love short/concise neatly packaged things like this.

Mike Wilson said...

I love this poem Rachel, it really resonates with me!

I hope your Mum recovers soon... going through similar worries with my Dad this week... tough times :o(


Titus said...

Well, I danced: possibly on my own and certainly at the wrong time, but I still did.

Memories of The Mandrake (criminals/nurses/police nightclub of the sticky-floor variety) came so strong I almost got lost myself. "We are Family" was the one I always danced to with Adora and Sue. We were not quite as similar as the Sledge ones, but we were sisters.

Love the poem and the postcard, and it is concise, not lazy.

Off to comment on the right post too. Love to Mum.

Pete Goulding said...

Hi Rachel,
Not really my kind of music but I fully empathise with the sentiments of the poem, as I suspect most people will, whether into jazz, classical, hardcore or Boyzone....

The Weaver of Grass said...

Liked it.
Hope your mum is getting better.

Ken Armstrong said...

Got the book
Got the Postcard
Still Love it
...T Shirt?


Rachel Fox said...

Argent - I was pleased to think of a ready-made one that could fit this week's bill. Still no time for thinking over here.

Mike - long time no see! Sorry to hear you are hard at it too. I feel a bit like I've been in a boxing ring...and I know my Mum feels much worse.

Titus - ta muchly.

Peter - I was about 11 when I got into disco. I don't listen to much these days but I have lots of good memories associated with it.

Weaver - hello!

Ken - not a bad idea...not a bad idea at all... Not sure we'll be getting to Ireland this summer after all, by the way. It will all depend on Mum's progress in the next couple of months.


Batteson.Ind said...

short and perfectly formed.. and a great song too! :-D you just can't beat a bit of disco.

Domestic Oub said...

Love disco. Love this poem :)

Rachel Fox said...

Cheers peeps. As I said it is a postcard - email me a postal address and I can always mail a couple out if you'd like some.