Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Time for a quick inspiration?

Quickly, quickly, run to Ink, Sweat and Tears. There you can read a poem of mine that was inspired by a poet who asked for my 'friendship' on myspace. I can't remember her name and the website of the title is a made-up one...or at least it was when I wrote the poem.


Dominic Rivron said...

Just sat here and read it outloud to myself. Really good, I thought.

I take it you didn't go for the moon mousepads...

Unknown said...

Those moon mousepads, they raise a smile :)

Rachel Fox said...

I was amazed by the stuff she had on her website, this poet. I didn't make any of it up! I mean a know it's hard for poets to make a living but really...you can take the merchandising too far...

deemikay said...

That sounds familiar... I think I may have received a similar invite of friendship! I declined...


I have a similar 'friend' there. (shudders)

Rachel Fox said...

Yes..when I got the request I went and looked at her site and had a think about it. I try to be very open-minded with poetry and poets but she seemed to be more sell than write, more tired old cliche than ideas so I'm afraid in the end I too declined. And I don't decline often.

Marion McCready said...

I like how you mix in colloquialisms, and 'snapped the sea' is great on the tongue!

Rachel Fox said...

I almost wish I could remember her name so you could go and see her snaps of the sea. But it might get a bit personal and I'm really more pacifist than warmongerer!

Rachel Fox said...

As for mixing in colloquialisms...you know if I tried to do that on purpose I wouldn't be able to. It just comes out that way! I am a mish-mash kind of a person.

Hugh McMillan said...

Reminds me of the famous C John Taylor, he of the poetry and art warehouse at Seil Island. have you come across him?

Anonymous said...

I could hear this as I read it. Any danger of some sound files of your poems at some time, Rachel?

Rachel Fox said...

No Shug, don't know that name. Will look up.

And Dick...I have one or two sound files on the website but not many. It's one of those jobs I keep meaning to get round to but other things keep the days full (this week sick child, other child-related matters and then, today, the death of our old dog). Family life...
