Just a quick one. Aberdeen's
Dead Good Poets have been kind enough to offer me a reading/book launch date with them on Thursday 26th June. They meet every last Thursday at Books & Beans, Belmont Street, Aberdeen and it will be great to visit them for a night of poems and songs. Verona will come with me to do a song or two and there is another singer called Grace Banks performing as well as a 14 year old fiddler called Wee Frank. There will be poetry open mic too. It starts at 6.30pm and entry is free. I will have my books by then (all recycled paper and card!) and they will be on sale. The book details are "More about the song" by Rachel Fox (Crowd-pleasers Press £7) and I should have them ready in a couple of weeks. Maybe next time I'll tell you how the whole crowd-pleasers thing started...
Well, I hope it goes well for you. I spent six months in Aberdeen about fifteen years ago and I had such a miserable time I vowed I'd never go back. Mind you I was there in the middle of winter. It is not a place you want to be in the middle of winter.
I grew up in the north east of England so the north east of Scotland feels a bit like home. Plus anywhere in Britain in winter can be bleak...depends what you have to keep you warm and entertained!
how exciting, good for you!
Thanks for the good wishes. There will be other launches..certainly one in Montrose that I hope will be more party than anything else...and I'm open to offers to do them anywhere and everywhere...
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